lördag 3 januari 2015

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Tror bestämt att Money läste mitt förra inlägg...

För en snåljåpsfamilj på fyra personer i Amörikat kostar mat en månad 4443,98 kr och de mer slösaktiga spenderar hela 10116,30 kr enligt the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. I artikeln föreslogs 29 sätt att minska matkostnaderna, jag har valt ut mina favoriter. För den intresserade finna hela listan här http://time.com/money/3481381/save-on-groceries/?xid=timetwitter.


1. Inventera. Take stock of your pantry and freezer once a month to get a sense of what items you need and what you can skip buying, says Annette Economides, co-author of Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half with America’s Cheapest Family. Her husband and co-author Steve adds, “you don’t want to get in a panic when you’re in the grocery store and impulse buy an item at full price only to go home and find you’ve already got it.” Use an app like Out of Milkto help with your inventory.

Jag har järnkoll på kylen, frysen och skafferiet. Antar att det hjälper att vi har ett minimalt kök med begränsat utrymme för "braatthagrejer" som pajar budgeten.

2. Plan meals by the ads. “A lot of people make a weekly meal plan and then go look for a deal,” says Steve Economides. “Instead, look first at the deals and plan your meals around what’s on sale. This way, you can get meals for half price.”

Appen matpriskollen fixar biffen.

3. Use up your pantry. Americans typically toss about 25% of the groceries we buy, according to the National Resources Defense Council. To prevent your food from turning into wasted money, sort through your fridge and pantry about once a week for items that are about to expire and place those in a designated space so that you remember to eat them before they go bad. Plug in what you’ve got atSupercook to find recipes that will help you use up your ingredients.

Räds inte permafrosten kyla i frysen inre eller skafferiets dunkla vrår ty där dväljas mången billiga måltider.

4. Shop only once a week. “The less you shop, the more you save,” says Annette Economides. Reduce impulse purchases and save gas by planning your shopping list so that you get a week’s worth of groceries in one shot.

Här är jag lite kluven, jag handlar en gång i veckan men bara för den veckan. Storhandling för längre perioder innebär oftast pengar ut och onödiga saker in.

5. Look for substitutes. Review your last grocery receipt and circle your most expensive purchases. When you’re next in the store, consider swapping these items for lower-cost alternatives—like ground turkey for ground beef. Subbing out a few items each trip can add up.

Jag köper ekologiskt när det finns till ett rimligt pris. Finns det inte blir det i första hand någon helt annan ekologisk vara och i sista hand den oekologiska varianten.

Get the Best Price

8. Be wary of 10 for $10 sales. Or any promotion in which a store is offering several items for one price. Check the price of the item to make sure it is actually discounted, and not just clever signage making you think 89¢ cans being sold 10 for $10 is a steal. Also, if it is actually a discount, keep in mind that you don’t need to buy 10 to get the lower price.

Akta, akta! Låt affären stå för lagerhållningskostnaden och koncentrera dina kvadratmetrar till boa.

14. Photograph your receipt. You can earn cash-back on your groceries with apps like Ibotta, SavingsStar andCheckout51. These services offer weekly cash-back deals on a range of goods and all you need to do is take a photo of your receipt showing you bought the item to take advantage of the kickback, says Nelson.

Appen sparkvittot är trots att den lämnar en del övrigt att önska den bästa jag har hittat.

Handla smart

16. Learn the layout. The more aisles you walk down, the more likely you are to add things to your shopping basket that you hadn’t initially intended to buy. Shoppers who decreased the number of aisles they visited checked out with only half their items being unplanned purchases vs. 68% of items for those who visited most or all aisles in a shop, according to a Marketing Science Institute study.

17. Go alone. The larger your shopping party, the more likely you are to make impulse purchases. About 65% of the items in our baskets when we group shop are unplanned, an eight percentage point increase over shopping alone, according to that same Marketing Science Institute study. So leave your spouse and your kids behind.

Amen to that!

21. Look high and low. Avoid the middle shelves and end caps. Companies pay to place products at your eye level—and your kid’s. Scan the top and bottom shelves instead as most of the time you’ll find the less expensive brands and best deals there.

I xid not know that.

22. Check yourself out. Impulse purchases dropped by 32% for women and about 17% for men when shoppers used the self-checkout line instead of a staffed checkout, found a study by IHL Consulting Group. The reason: There is less merchandise for you to pick up last minute around self-checkout stands, and the wait time is typically shorter—giving you less time with those tempting items.

Spara på vissa saker

24. Do your own slicing and dicing. Prepackaged and single-serving foods are easy mark-up territory. (Example: Through New York City’s Fresh Direct delivery service, we found a cut and cored pineapple cost $5.99 while an uncut pineapple cost $3.99.) Though it may be more time-consuming, buy the whole chicken, block cheese or pineapple and do the chopping yourself. You can create your own smaller servings—say, for school lunches—by dividing up the food into baggies or Tupperware.

Allt som någon annan har rört vid blir dyrare!

26. Grow your own herbs. Stop buying bundles of herbs—at $2-plus a pop—that you’ll never be able to use up in time and instead plant a couple pots with fresh herbs to keep in your kitchen or porch. For a one-time cost of around $5, you’ll always have fresh herbs ready, and you won’t end up wasting any.

27. Follow the produce cycle. “You can save 30-50% on the price of produce by buying what’s in season,” says Annette Economides. If you do want those berries in the off-season, buy extra when they’re cheap and freeze them so you can enjoy them year round. For a guide to when certain produce is in peak-season, see this chart from the USDA.

Mitt förra inlägg + det här inlägget + lunchlådor = mycket pengar!

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